Wow Skin Science India

Monsoon is undoubtedly a magical season for many people. However, it brings several skin problems due to sticky and humid weather. This season can take away the radiance of otherwise flawless skin. Constant skin exposure to the moist atmosphere makes it susceptible to dehydration and several problems.

This season makes the skin prone to clogged pores, which can cause acne. An improper skincare routine that doesn’t hydrate or moisturize the skin and fails to cleanse and remove makeup can aggravate acne during the monsoon season.

Primary Causes of Monsoon Acne

The rainy season increases humidity in the atmosphere. And this, combined with summer heat, increases skin’s sebum production leading to oily or greasy skin. And this creates an excellent ground for bacteria to breed on the skin.

Also, a sticky face attracts dirt, sweat, and dust, clogging skin pores and causing acne breakouts. Additionally, the skin becomes dull and uneven. Some people don’t have the acne problem during the other seasons, but it flares up during the monsoon season. Monsoon acne can affect your face, arms, and back. This blog post shares practical tips for dealing with monsoon acne. Follow these tips to achieve and maintain radiant skin during the rainy season.

How to Deal with Monsoon Acne

Before you treat monsoon acne, identifying your skin type is vital. Over-cleansing your skin can dry it, triggering its mechanism to hydrate by secreting more sebum. Unfortunately, this worsens the acne problem. Here are helpful tips for dealing with monsoon acne.

Moisturize Your Skin

If your skin is oily, it’s easy to think you don’t need to moisturize it. Also, your skin can feel sticky during the monsoon season. However, this should encourage you to moisturize your skin. Use a light moisturizer so it doesn’t feel sticky on your skin. Apply if after cleansing the face to trap water.

Hydrate Your Skin

Water makes up 70% of your body. Therefore, hydrating your body can help the skin in several ways. Dehydration can trigger the skin to produce excess oil, leading to acne. Consuming sufficient water can help you tackle acne during the monsoon season. Proper hydration can help you get healthy skin free of breakouts. You can also use hydrating products to keep the skin plump and supple.

Use a Mild Face Wash

Cleansing your face is an excellent tip for dealing with monsoon acne. Sticky skin attracts excessive sweating and dirt, leading to pore clogging and breakouts. However, using a mild face wash removes sweat, dirt, oil, and leftover makeup debris that may clog the pores leading to blackheads, whiteheads, and acne.

Exfoliate the Skin Gently 

Mild scrubbing or exfoliating at least twice weekly helps remove toxins and dead skin cells. And this helps prevent bacterial infections that can lead to acne. Also, it helps your skin look radiant and brighter. Exfoliating the skin unclogs the pores, preventing blemishes like acne. Proper exfoliation is an effective way to take care of oily skin.

Wear Sun Protection

Whether going out or staying at home, always wear sunscreen to prevent the sun’s harmful UV rays from damaging your skin. Some people assume they don’t require sunscreen since it’s cloudy outdoors. However, the UV rays can penetrate the clouds and harm your skin. Quality sunscreen creates an effective barrier that protects the skin from UVA and UVB radiations, preventing tanning, sunburns, and premature aging.

Try Oils

Some oils are acne antidotes. For instance, applying neem oil with almond and coconut oil can help remove pimples. If you dislike oils, use neem leaves to make a paste with milk and turmeric. Apply the paste to the acne on the affected areas.

Steam the Skin

Face steaming can open up the pores while increasing blood circulation. Skincare experts recommend face steaming without touching too much or rubbing it with a towel. Additionally, avoid fidgeting with the acne.

Try Other Home Remedies

Ingredients like lemon, honey, and neem help remove the dead cells from the skin while absorbing excess sebum to leave you with supple, smooth skin. Also, they can bind dirt and oil in the pores and help pull them out. Thus, such ingredients can clear the pores and leave you with radiant, toned skin.

People have taken care of their skins using honey for years. Its enzymes moisturize and soften the skin. Also, it has antiseptic, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties that help with blackheads by removing dirt. Besides, honey can tighten and hydrate the pores, giving your skin an attractive glow.

The hydroxy acids in lemons can remove dead cells from the skin, reducing acne, blackheads, and discoloration. Also, lemon has vitamin C, an antioxidant that prevents wrinkles and fine lines.

Final Word

The monsoon season is a double-edged sword. While it relieves the summer heat, it may have several effects on your skin, including causing acne. Nevertheless, you can deal with monsoon acne by following these tips to ensure clear and radiant skin. Nourishing and hydrating your skin will keep it acne-free during the monsoon season.

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