Wow Skin Science India

Humidity increases during the monsoon season, leading to several skin issues. The rain is undoubtedly a respite from the summer heat. However, high humidity and dampness can cause skin infections and allergies. High moisture content in the atmosphere makes the skin susceptible to rashes, acne, and other conditions. Therefore, properly caring for your skin during the rainy season is vital to keep it glowing and healthy. Follow these tips to get your skin glowing during the rainy season.

Exfoliate Your Skin

Scrub your dull and tired skin. Sweat, oil, dirt, and makeup leftover can clog your skin pores. If you don’t remove these impurities, they will cause breakouts, acne, and other skincare problems. Therefore, exfoliating with a mild but effective scrub twice or thrice per week is essential. It helps remove dirt, oil, sweat, and toxins from the skin pores. Unclogging the pores by scrubbing the skin helps keep it glowing and healthy.

Cleanse Your Face

Pollutants and dirt can clog the skin pores during the monsoon season. Without cleansing your skin, these pollutants will cause rashes and pimples. Therefore, washing your face twice or thrice daily is vital to averting these eruptions. Also, use a toner for dry skin to keep your pores clean.

Moisturize Your Skin

Many people associate the use of moisturizer with winter. However, moisturizing your skin is vital during the monsoon season, especially at night. The skin repairs itself at night. Therefore, a moisturizer helps prevent wrinkles while maintaining the skin’s glow.

Use Sunscreen

Cloudy weather shouldn’t make you skip sunscreen. Sunscreen shields your skin against the harmful sun’s UV rays. Remember, UV rays can penetrate the clouds and wreak havoc on your skin, even on a cloudy day. Therefore, use water-resistant, gel-based sunscreen to protect your skin. Apply the sunscreen around 20 minutes before you leave the house.

Boost Your Skin with Vitamin C

Exfoliating helps you get glowing, radiant skin. However, your complexion will have a radiance boost and glow more if you add vitamin C serum to your skincare routine. Applying this serum in the morning and the evening will brighten your complexion and give you an instant glow. This vitamin penetrates the skin to review and refresh it. Using vitamin C serum regularly leads to a spotless face.

Change Your Makeup Products

You don’t have to stop applying makeup entirely. However, swapping the full-coverage foundation with a quality, lightweight product will allow the skin to breathe. Also, remember to remove makeup to keep the pores clear. Use a gentle, water-based accessory to remove makeup and prevent breakouts. Always remember that sleeping with makeup on can trigger acne.

Hydrate Your Skin

Most people sweat a lot during the rainy season. And this makes the skin dull and pale. A practical tip for keeping your skin glowing and healthy during the monsoon season is hydrating your body. Drinking adequate water throughout the day will hydrate your body and the skin. And this helps keep the skin glowing and healthy. Proper hydration enables the body to flush out toxins, which is vital for the skin’s health.

Eat Fruits and Green Vegetables

Glowing skin reflects more than the benefits of your chosen cosmetic benefits. It also shows what you eat. Eating junk and oily food will leave your skin with unsightly marks. However, consuming fruits and green vegetables will give you healthy glowing skin.

Fruits and green vegetables are rich in antioxidants. Thus, eating healthy fruits and green vegetables will help you maintain your skin luster.

Use Clay Masks

Quality clay masks can absorb excess oil from the skin. Also, you can invest in clay masks with antibacterial ingredients, such as aloe vera, witch hazel, and green tea. Such clay masks help reduce skin breakouts.

Care for the Sensitive Areas

Areas surrounding the eyes and lips have thinner skin than other areas. Therefore, it requires extra care and attention during the rainy season. For instance, scrub the lips to ensure they remain smooth. This tip can help you deal with chapped, dry lips. Also, you can apply a lip balm to moisturize your lips.

Use Gentle Skincare Products

Some experts recommend going slow on makeup and other skincare products. However, you can use gentle, organic products without chemicals that may peel or irritate your skin. Organic and natural products have long-term benefits, including maintaining healthy and glowing skin.

Final Word

Greasiness, dryness, oiliness, itchiness, redness, and acne, are some of the skincare issues you will likely face during monsoon. However, taking care of your skin will rejuvenate it by removing dead cells and pollutants that clog the pores. Thus, a proper skincare routine will restore the skin’s lost radiance and sheen. Anybody can do this at home, even if they are not skin or beauty specialists. So, follow these tips to keep your skin glowing and healthy in the rainy season.

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